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Menu for Hope 5 – Chocolate Gift Package

December 16, 2008 | Chuck

Menu for Hope 4

It's the time of year for giving, so we're participating in the 5th annual Menu for Hope charity raffle, which brings together food bloggers from around the world in the fight against hunger. Bloggers offer prizes that you can win by purchasing a $10 raffle ticket. The proceeds of the charity raffle goes to the U.N. World Food Program (WFP).

Last year, we gave away an iPhone. This year we want to share our love of a Bay Area product, Scharffen Berger chocolate. Many of you know that we love to eat and bake with Scharffen Berger chocolate and we wrote about the factory tour previously. So our raffle prize this year is the following...

Scharffen Berger Gift Package

Due to the weight and temperature concerns (we don't want your chocolate to melt), we're limiting shipping to the US only. The charity raffle runs from December 15th - 24th with raffle winners announced on January 12th.

The prize code for our Scharffen Berger gift package is UW24. Shipped within the US only.

How to Enter/Donation Instructions

1) Choose a prize(s). For a complete list of prizes offered worldwide, visit Chez Pim. For a list of prizes from West Coast food bloggers, visit MattBites.

2) Go to Firstgiving, the online fundraising company used to manage the Menu for Hope charity raffle, and make a donation.

3) Specify the prize you would like to bid for in the 'Personal Message' section of the donation form. Every $10 donated will get one raffle ticket toward a prize. For example, a donation of $50 gets 5 raffle tickets, which can be distributed between different prizes, such as 3 tickets for UW24 and 2 tickets for UW33. This would be entered as 3xUW24, 2xUW33.

4) If your company matches your charity donation, please check the box and fill in the information so the corporate match can be claimed.

5) Please check the box to allow us to see your email address so that Menu for Hope can contact you if you win. Your email address will not be shared with anyone.

Please spread the word to your friends and family to help in the fight against hunger! Let me know if you have any questions and thanks in advance for your generosity.

[tags]charity, menu for hope, raffle, un, world food program, chocolate, scharffen berger[/tags]

5 Comments on “Menu for Hope 5 – Chocolate Gift Package”

    Warning: Use of undefined constant ’user_id’ - assumed '’user_id’' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/j78deqridyky/public_html/wp-content/themes/SND-1.0/comments.php on line 42

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  1. Fiona said:

    It has taken me a while to get over here, but I’m a regular user of FoodGawker, which I learned about through Use Real Butter. This comment is to thank you for F.G.- it has supplied about half of my holiday fun this year. I made cookies, short ribs, and various side dishes from things I found over there.

  2. Warning: Use of undefined constant ’user_id’ - assumed '’user_id’' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/j78deqridyky/public_html/wp-content/themes/SND-1.0/comments.php on line 42

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  3. Rethabile said:

    Thank you, on behalf of the children who will receive this gift. Merry Christmas to you, and a happy 2009.

  4. Warning: Use of undefined constant ’user_id’ - assumed '’user_id’' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/j78deqridyky/public_html/wp-content/themes/SND-1.0/comments.php on line 42

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  5. Will said:

    I do sunday night dinners too. Let’s share ideas!

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  7. Thip said:

    Hi Chuck,

    Thank you for offering the prize. According to UW24, I think I suppose to contact you. :)


  8. Warning: Use of undefined constant ’user_id’ - assumed '’user_id’' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/j78deqridyky/public_html/wp-content/themes/SND-1.0/comments.php on line 42

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  9. Thip said:

    Thank you, Chuck.
    I got all the package today. The chocolate tastes great!

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