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Curry Cauliflower Soup with Honey

November 12, 2007 | Chuck
Curry Cauliflower Soup with Honey

This past week, Hungry Bear and I hosted Sunday night dinner. I love pulled pork, but I don't like most BBQ sauces. They are usually too sweet and tangy for my palate. Instead, I decided to make pulled pork with all of my favorite Vietnamese flavors. The entire menu was...

  • Curry Cauliflower Soup with Honey
  • Vietnamese Pulled Pork Sandwiches
  • Fumi Salad (Asian Cole Slaw)
  • Pumpkin Loaf

The Vietnamese pulled pork was fantastic with great flavors from the caramel sauce, lemongrass and chili peppers. Although I was very pleased with the results, I want to make it one more time and tweak the recipe a little bit before I share it with you.

However, I will share our curry cauliflower soup recipe. We first had this soup last year at Chapeau!, which is our favorite neighborhood French restaurant. It was served as an amuse-bouche. We loved it so much that we had to try to replicate the recipe.

The soup is easy to make with only a few ingredients. It's a simple puree of roasted cauliflower and onions with a touch of curry powder and cayenne pepper. Our version of the soup is a golden brown color due to the slightly caramelized onions. We'd rather have the extra flavor from the browned onions than to try to keep it a creamy cauliflower color.

The key ingredients in this soup are the honey and cayenne. After drizzling the honey on the soup, don't stir it in before you eat it. The honey is not there to sweeten the soup, but rather to contrast the spiciness. The recipe calls for 1/2 teaspoon of cayenne, but I recommend adding as much cayenne as you can tolerate enjoyably. The soup needs to have heat to get the full effect of the soothing, sweet honey.

At dinner, the soup was a big hit and a great starter course. It will definitely warm you up on a cold day!

SNDsters: Garry, Karen, Mark, Jane, Hungry Bear, Chuck

Roasted Cauliflower

Curry Cauliflower Soup with Honey Recipe

1 head of cauliflower, cut into florets (6 cups) 
3 tablespoons olive oil
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper
2 onions, sliced thick 
2 1/2 teaspoons curry powder
2 cups low-sodium chicken stock
2 cups water
1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper

1) Preheat oven to 450 degrees. Spread cauliflower florets on a baking sheet, drizzle with 2 tablespoons of oil and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Toss to coat. Roast until florets are browned, about 25 - 30 minutes.

2) In a medium stockpot, heat 1 tablespoon of oil over medium heat. Add onions and sauté until they turn brown. Stir in curry powder and cook until fragrant, 1 - 2 minutes. Add chicken stock, water and cauliflower. Cover and bring to boil and then simmer until cauliflower is soft, about 5 minutes.

3) Puree the soup with a stand or immersion blender until smooth. Return to pot if using a stand blender, reheat if necessary. Add cayenne pepper, salt and pepper to taste. Serve in bowl with a drizzle of honey.

Serves 4

[tags]curry, cauliflower, soup, honey, puree, spicy, cayenne, simple, roasted[/tags]

19 Comments on “Curry Cauliflower Soup with Honey”

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  1. hungry bear said:

    i love a big bowl of this soup with a hunk of good crusty bread on a cold, rainy day.

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  3. Ravara said:

    oh man, this sounds so good, and I actually have everything for it in the fridge! Excellent..

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  5. Chuck said:

    Let me know how it turns out if you make it.

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  7. Kerry said:

    I can’t believe I found this post — we were just at Chapeau last night (which was really great) and had this soup as an amuse bouche. I asked the chef what was in it hoping to be able to recreate it. Now I don’t have to! Thanks!

  8. Warning: Use of undefined constant ’user_id’ - assumed '’user_id’' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/j78deqridyky/public_html/wp-content/themes/SND-1.0/comments.php on line 42

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  9. Graeme said:

    The addition of honey here is fantastic.

    Great soup, and I love the presentation.

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  11. Bri said:

    This soup looks so delicious. I’ve been wanting to make a curried cauliflower soup for weeks, and we are just starting to get local cauliflower for me to do it. Yum! I’ve seen it done with some apple which I think would be nice as well. The drizzle of honey sounds divine though. I love that the cauliflower flavor is really enhanced by roasting first though. Brings out the flavor so much better than just boiling it.

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  13. Dena said:

    Oh my word! This soup is amazing!! I’m eating it right now, and it’s like the best thing EVER!

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  15. GP said:

    My husband and I have been big fans of cauliflower soup for ages, but we find this recipe to be our favorite yet! No need for cream! The roasting adds wonderful dimension to the flavor…even though I can barely restrain myself from not eating all the roasted florets before I add them to the soup! :P Many thanks! I look forward to trying more of your recipes.

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  17. Kris said:

    Delicious! The honey is a great addition.

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  19. I think this soup looks great! I love that it is so simple and so budget friendly. I am a believer in a good soup because of these reasons!

    Thank you, I loooove this blog!

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  21. Lacey said:

    JUST made this…yum yum YUMMY!! With or without honey…superb :) I’ll make a double batch next go round.

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  23. Jodi said:

    I was debating Martha’s curry cauliflower soup vs. this one and your comments were far more enthusiastic. It was delicious! Cayenne plus honey is brilliant.


  1. Chocolate Chips and Cauliflower « Punch It In!

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  2. Dinner Thursday: Spices « The Mama Bee

    […] yogurt if you want to keep it mild.  A couple of cayenne that are low on heat, but high on flavor: Curried Cauliflower Soup with Honey and Martha Stewart’s Macaroni & […]

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