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Archive for March 2009

Mango and Coconut Flognarde

March 30, 2009 | Chuck
Mango and Coconut Flognarde

We were planning on posting about an 11 layer lasagna that's relatively easy to make, but the Daring Bakers' challenge this month was lasagne. As you've probably seen, the food blogosphere has been inundated with DB pasta. Instead, we present to you a mango and coconut flognarde that Hungry Bear saw on flagrantedelicia. We always enjoy looking at the beautiful photography and desserts on Leonor's site.

We were supposed to make this flognarde for Sunday nite dinner last week, but ran out of energy to make dessert (we had a pre-dinner yoga session with a one of the SNDsters). A friend brought over ice cream cookie sandwiches from Trader Joe's instead. They were super delicious and a dangerous new TJ find.

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Fresh Bamboo Shoots with Pork

March 18, 2009 | Chuck
Fresh Bamboo Shoots

Hungry Bear and I love bamboo shoots, but we've never cooked with fresh ones until recently. During the winter time, we always see fresh bamboo shoots in our local Asian markets, but hesitated to buy them until a few months ago.

Neither one of us knew how to peel them, so we searched the Internets and discovered it was relatively easy to prep bamboo shoots. Here's an informative video that shows how they are found and prepared. The bamboo shoots in the video are boiled to remove their bitterness. We're not sure why it is necessary because the shoots we get are not bitter, so we simply peel them following these steps.

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