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Chocolate Oatmeal

August 31, 2008 | Chuck
Oatmeal (Steel Cut Oats) - Two Ways

Hungry Bear and I recently discovered chocolate oatmeal courtesy of Jeff, one of my closest friends and Penn State buddy. He came out to visit us a few weeks ago to rest, relax, cook, eat and ride (road biking). Jeff actually prepared a few meals for us while he was here. You've gotta love a house guest who will cook for you!

One morning after running the Lyon Street Steps, Hungry Bear made some steel cut oats and Jeff turned it into chocolate oatmeal by adding a little Scharffen Berger sweetened cocoa powder. It was delicious! And I can't believe that we didn't think about this combination ourselves. We typically have our oatmeal with some sliced bananas and brown sugar, which is good, but not as brilliant as chocolate oatmeal!

So the next time you want a healthy breakfast, reach for the steel cut oats and a little cocoa powder. Thanks Jeff!

Oatmeal with Bananas and Brown Sugar

The Aftermath

[tags]oatmeal, steel cut oats, cocoa powder, chocolate, bananas, brown sugar, easy[/tags]

38 Comments on “Chocolate Oatmeal”

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  1. Rosa said:

    I love oatmeal! An interesting way of preparing it! Delicious!



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  3. kittie said:

    I love chocolate oatmeal (much to the disgust of my father, who thinks, as all good Scotsfolk should, that anything other than a dab of salt is an abomination!))

    But I always loved it with cinnamon – and it was a happy day when some cocoa powder accidentally sneaked into the mix!

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  5. RecipeGirl said:

    You’ve just turned my husband’s boring oatmeal into something he might actually like. Will give this a shot!

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  7. You know, I was just pondering the other day about maybe spiking some oatmeal with chocolate chips (just daydreaming) – glad to know that chocolate oatmeal is, indeed, a winner! Cocoa powder sounds like a better route, fortunately I have some of that on hand too :-)

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  9. What a great new twist on an old breakfast favorite! Maybe a special treat for our grandkids’ birthdays….

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  11. Jackie said:

    Now why didn’t I ever think of that? Cannot wait to make it and give it to my kiddos.

    Thanks. :)

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  13. M said:

    This is going to be my kids’ back to school b-fast manana…it’s sweet enough to please, but not so sweet that their blood sugar will plummet by 9am!!! Thanks for the inspiration.

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  15. And here I thought I was the maverick who came up with chocolate oatmeal! Oh, well. I love peanut butter and banana oatmeal too.

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  17. lalaine said:

    That’s how I’ve always oatmeal to be!

    Chocolate oatmeal is my quick fix when I am hankering for the Filipino champorado, which is usually made with cocoa and glutinous rice and takes considerably longer to cook.

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  19. tara said:

    Now I mean this in the most wonderful way, but at first glance I thought I was looking at a picture of Cocoa Pebbles cereal (which I loved as a child). But seeing that it is oatmeal makes this all the more tempting. My toddler adores steelcut oats, and I am sure he will think that he has hit the jackpot with this!

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  21. kickpleat said:

    my friend in england always puts nestle quick powder in her oatmeal, but i’ve never been tempted. a higher grade chocolate powder? well now, that’s a whole new way to eat oatmeal! sounds good.

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  23. Mrs. L said:

    OMG, that looks wonderful. I have oatmeal several times a week for breakfast…YUMMY

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  25. shari said:

    Not being an oatmeal fan the only way I can bring myself to eat it (which I do for my “health”) has been to make it into an oatmeal chocolate chip cookie by tossing in chips and brown sugar and then warm milk. Try it!

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  27. Nicisme said:

    I am going to try this tomorrow, if I can wait that long!
    Thanks for the great idea!

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  29. Tony said:

    Scharffen Berger = chocolate paradise!! I also never thought of the combo before, but it sounds (and looks) perfect!

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  31. Haley said:

    Oatmeal is a staple item in my house; what a great idea to change things up a bit!

    We’d like to invite you to participate in our September apple and peach recipe contest (the recipe can be sweet or savory). All competitors will be eligible to win one of three prizes :)! Please email me, haleyglasco@gmail.com, if you’re interested. Feel free to check out our blog for more details: http://blog.keyingredient.com/.....k-contest/

    Thanks :),
    KI Blogger

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  33. I have some dark chocolate almost every morning with my coffee. Now I have a great reason to have even more with my oatmeal!

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  35. Um, this looks simple perfect … what a perfect way to make oatmeal a bit sexier!

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  37. Easy Meals said:

    That looks …. AMAZING! I’ve never heard of anybody making Chocolate Oatmeal but I’m going to have to try this tomorrow morning maybe. I’ll definitely be back to your blog!

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  39. Eve said:

    it sounds really weird. I always thought that oatmeal is absolutely healthy or even just diet meal but never think about it as dessert

    I didn’t try it yet – but I will – I promise ;)

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  41. Amy B. said:

    Chocolate oatmeal with bananas and brown sugar? Topped with being made by another Penn State grad? It doesn’t get too much better than that.

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  43. kristina said:

    Hey, there’s a new website about to launch called Behind the Burner: it features exclusive tips on products and cooking techniques, as well as video demonstrations with New York City’s best chefs! Be sure to check out the website, http://www.behindtheburner.com, where you can sign up for email updates and more info.

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  45. Ivy said:

    Chocolate Oatmeal?! WOW! this is so cool!
    I love it but would feel guilty eating it for breakfast.

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  47. Kristen said:

    Ahhhhhh – what a great idea! I used to love malt-o-meal of the chocolate variety when I was a kid. Mom used to always put marshmallows on top. It was such a treat. This looks like the grown up version!

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  49. Pieg!rl said:

    Had to try this creative variation of oatmeal this morning. Topped with fresh sliced strawberries, it was bliss!

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  51. Zestycook said:

    WOW – I have never tried this – It looks great. Great pictures. I can’t wait to try this. I am a huge oatmeal fan.

    Great blog. I will be a regular reader for sure!


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  53. Lo! said:

    I have the fondest memories of the chocolate Farina my mother used to make for us when we were kids. Haven’t done it in years… but this is making me think twice.

    A bonus: cocoa powder doesn’t add anything TOO nasty, and it’s actually chock-ful of fiber!

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  55. Brenda said:

    Just found your site and I love it! But I’m not too sure about chocolate oatmeal. . . I like mine really plain :)

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  57. Manuela said:

    I love oatmeal.

    Today I posted a recipe. But I definately have to try it with chocolate too :)

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  59. Esmeralda said:

    I just stumbled upon your site and this entry caught my eye. When I was a young girl, my mother would mix a little chocolate Ovaltine in my oatmeal. Back then I thought she was giving me a sweet treat in my otherwise healthy household. I like different chocolate combinations: choco-banana, choco-peanut butter, choco-peanut butter-banana, choco-cinnamon. My favorite is choco-peanut butter because it reminds me of those no-bake oatmeal drop cookies. I still use Ovaltine to this day because it reminds me of Mom.

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  61. mmmm, I make this all the time! Totally the best kind of….breakfast :)

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  63. eleen said:

    yup, your oatmeal looks way better than mine.

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  65. Jennifer said:

    What a novel idea! Just curious, are you adding sweetener to it or do you use the unsweeterned cocoa powder?

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  67. Sarah said:

    I do something similar to this – just cook your oats and throw in a 1/4 cup (more or less if you like) of dark chocolate chips – it is a heavenly breakfast!! I will give it a try with some cocoa powder – probably healther. I suppose you could even use unsweetened cocoa powder and then sweeten with a little stevia if you like (maybe makes a slightly lower calorie chocolately oatmeal)

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  69. betty said:

    Hi, just found your blog . . .somehow. It’s great, as are your others. I’ve RSS’d you. Thanks!

    There’s a traditional Filipino recipe called champarado, which is chocolate rice. Drizzle sweetened condensed milk on it. Mmmmm. My aunt switched it over to oatmeal for better nutrition, and has been serving it that way for years. YUM!

    Cocoa powder is better for you than choc chips and not sweet at all. . .the condensed milk is way tasty, but processed. Chopped banana is a naturally sweet addition.

    A great variation on regular oatmeal!

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  71. tishawn said:

    Sounds good but the chocolate is just extra sugar on an already carby meal.Im not saying im not going to try it, just that i wont be eating it everyday!

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  73. Mike Vannatter said:

    Try it with soy milk for a healthier and more delicious treat!


  1. Recipe: Pease Porridge Hot, Pease Porridge Cold « Foodie Family Eats

    […] For more oatmeal recipes: Oatmeal Cookie Mix,Homesick Texan’s Oatmeal Bread, Oatmeal Cookie Pancakes (Rachel Ray), Porridge, Porridge with fruit(Annabel Karmel), Chocolate Oatmeal […]

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